The AccessText Network facilitates the delivery of textbooks in electronic format to higher education institutions for use by students with disabilities. AccessText incorporates information on over 300,000 titles from leading textbook publishers. For more information on membership visit
If you are a publisher who would like information about participating in the Publisher Look-Up Service or the AccessText Network, please contact us.
If you are seeking an electronic format of a book or permission to scan it, please contact your campus DSS office. The DSS office is responsible for certifying student eligibility for accommodations and is typically the publisher's main point of contact.
If you would like to report an error in this information or you are the publisher and would like to update your information, please Contact Us. For more information on requesting materials from publishers and for a request form, please review the Request Guidelines.
For Use by Individuals with Print-Related Disabilities
The University of New Mexico Press is not currently enrolled in a service that allows us to distribute electronic copies of books to individuals with accessibility needs. However, the Press does grant one-time permission to institutions to produce a suitable electronic version of the required book, providing that 1) Information crediting the University of New Mexico Press as the publisher is included in the alternative-format version, and 2) Any use of the alternative-format version is restricted solely to individuals registered with the institution as having a print-related disability.